Michael Andryc
Contemporary FOLK ART POP
2023 | ENIGMA at Ghostwolf Gallery
December 1 - 31, 2023 | 11-6 Daily
Juried local group exhibit
Original works by 36 'Distinctively Different' artists
Historic Old Town Albuquerque | 505.246.9653

Wolfmen Howling at the Moon
Miichael Andryc
Acrylic on Canvas, Gallery Wrapped
2023 | 50-Year Retrospective: The Hour of the Wolf(Man) by Michael Andryc

Welcome to The Hour of the Wolf(Man)​

THANK YOU to everyone who attended my 50-year Retrospective whether in person during June/July in Los Alamos, at the Opening Reception on June 10th - so GREAT SEEING YOU - on social media, or right here virtually. My genuine and heartfelt appreciation goes out to Step Up Gallery Manager (curator, editor, photographer, videographer, artist) and now friend, Diane Stoffel and to the many artists, collectors, gallery managers, and friends who have joined me on my life's mission.
Michael Andryc, Artist
Artist's Talk appears below.
Click to activate
Video courtesy of Diane Stoffel,
Step Up Gallery Manager and Curator

James Crafford | American Playwright
'I couldn’t have become the artist that I am without my friend Jim Crafford. Award winning playwright, actor, poet, photographer and writer, he it was who got me to go out West where my artistic journey began in earnest. Best of friends since 1968, sadly it ended three years ago when he passed away from pancreatic cancer. I am therefore dedicating this show to him in hopes that the artistic spirit we both shared will live on.' - Michael Andryc